About Us

Australian Decommissioning Services Pty Ltd (Ausdecom) is a privately owned Australian based Demolition, Dismantling, Remediation and Recycling Contractor with Australia wide capability specialising in Industrial, Oil, Gas and Power Generation sectors.
The family Owners and Directors of Ausdecom have over 100 years of experience in the demolition of heavy industrial facilities Australia wide. This includes demonstrated and significant demolition experience in oil and gas refineries, chemical facilities, automotive manufacturing sites and mines and mineral processing operations.
Over the last several decades, the business has evolved to offer additional complementary services, which includes a full suite of recycling and processing activities, onsite or remotely, to maximise asset values for our customers.

More recently, Ausdecom have expanded our service offerings to include land remediation of contaminated sites, which includes the identification, management and potential treatment of hazardous substances, such as asbestos containing materials, heavy metals, PFAS contaminants, hydrocarbons, pesticides & herbicides, acid sulphate soils, and in extreme scenarios, unexploded ordnance.
We believe our strength lies in our people within our company from a genuine and reliable Management team to a Workforce which has “been there and done it before”.

Our Management Team consists of Licensed Demolition Managers as well as Civil and Environmental Engineers who have a willingness to explore all opportunities leading an enthusiastic, open-minded team. Ausdecom has been able to bring projects to completion from the initial planning stages through the complex range of issues raised by authorities, neighbouring businesses and residents, as well as sensitive client requirements and always being cognisant of stakeholder concerns.
Ausdecom has significant experience in the demolition of large-scale industrial installations and structures, including the ability where necessary to dismantle portions or whole plants for reuse and relocation to other sites. We are able to design and implement the demolition of structures using our safe and systematic engineered collapse procedures.
We pride ourselves in making the most difficult of projects run smoothly from inception to completion, working closely with all relevant authorities to ensure projects are delivered safely and with the least impact upon all concerned parties, while maximising value for our customers.
Safety, the key to success
We enforce the highest on-site occupational health, safety and environmental standards at all levels.
Ausdecom is genuinely committed to providing a safe, risk free environment for all. The benefits of a safe working environment are mutual to Ausdecom, our employees and our clients with an increase in job satisfaction, higher morale and increased productivity.
Our enduring safety record is maintained by a disciplined and systematic approach to the fundamentals of safety, which is underpinned by a cultural belief that all accidents are preventable.
Ausdecom’s safety system incorporates mandatory pre-planning and task orientated safety analysis, as every project presents a different set of circumstances, issues and concerns. Customised Work Plans and Procedures are developed to take into account local factors that will influence, or have a potential to, affect an activity. We conduct a Safety Analysis for all high risk tasks which is supported by detailed standard operating procedures.
Safe Work Method Statements (SWMS) and daily pre-start meetings, form the vital link in the consultation process and ensure any changes to work conditions are identified, reviewed and amended as required.
Please click on the below links to find out more about us –
Awards – 2023 Winner of the CCF Victoria Earth Awards – Project Value up to $2 Million & Project Value $2 to 5 Million
People – Ausdecom have built a fantastic team of specialised individuals. Ausdecom are one of Australia’s most experienced and respected contractors with more than 50 years in the industry. Our strength is intrinsically linked to the capability, commitment, and productivity of our people. The depth of knowledge and skills within the Ausdecom team offer seamless project management and the ability to deliver large jobs efficiently, with the highest level of safety and proficiency.
Values – Integrity, Respect, Innovation, Performance Excellence, and Diversity & Inclusion
History – 4th Generation Expertise in Decommissioning, Recycling & Environmental Services. The McKellar family has been a pioneer and synonymous for their commitment to environmentally sustainable practices in the construction and recycling industry.
Accreditations – ISO, NATA & Green Star certified