CCF Women in Civil Brunch

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion.
Today, the ladies of Ausdecom gathered for lunch to discuss our commitment to Diversity, Equity & Inclusion, Social Procurement, and Environmental sustainability.
We understand the significant business and social advantages of a diverse and equitable workforce. Our ongoing efforts aim to narrow these gaps, benefiting both our company and our employees, while fulfilling our role in the broader community.
For those interested in joining Ausdecom, please contact us at
We extend our gratitude to genU Seasons Café in Geelong for the delicious food!
July 2024

HALT Conversations for Life

International Women’s Day 2024 Celebrations
CCF Victoria Women In Civil Breakfast
The Ladies of Ausdecom has a wonderful time this morning at the Civil Contractors Federation Victoria – CCF Vic Women in Civil Breakfast. Thank you CCF Victoria and the inspirational speakers Donna Urquhart, Sharon Hatton & Steve Cornish
Nov 2023

International Men’s Health Week
The theme of this year’s International Men’s Health Week was Healthy Habits. Ausdecom celebrated with healthy snacks and on-site talks regarding the importance of regular physical activity.
Jun 2023

International Women’s Day
International Men’s Day
The theme of this year’s International Men’s Day was Celebrating Mateship #MakeTime4Mates and how important friendships are for good mental health.
Ausdecom celebrated International Men’s Day with on-site events to encourage openly talking about important topics, these conversations create a safe environment where everyone can speak openly about mental & physical health and feel comfortable asking for help when needed.
As a part of our activities Jem from HALT visited a couple of our sites to talk about mental health and suicide prevention. HALT events provide the tools to start having conversations about mental health, and they encourage supporting your mates when they’re going through tough times.
Nov 2022

Big Blue Table
Big Blue Table

Big Blue 352

Harmony Week

International Women’s Day
Today we celebrated International Women’s Day across our sites by getting together to enjoy some purple donuts and a brief chat about ensuring that the future for women is bright, equal, safe & rewarding by helping to Break the Bias.
Mar 2022

Beyond Blue
We are very excited to take delivery of our Blue CAT 352 Excavator, thank you to Caterpillar & William Adams CAT Laverton Branch for your help and support to bring this idea to life.
Committed to supporting mental health in the construction industry Ausdecom will be donating 10% of the revenue generated by this excavator in 2022 to Beyond Blue.
If you would like to donate to our fundraiser click on the following link
Feb 2022

This Movember we are ecstatic to have raised $65,497!
Ausdecom management generously matched every dollar raised by the team to create this unbelievable outcome.
Click on the following link to donate to the Team Ausdecom
Special thanks to Brent, who raised the lion’s share of $29,140.
Well done Team Ausdecom.
Dec 2021