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    Services range from:
    • Front end feasibility studies for selection of project specific ports and quaysides
    • Engineering for quayside load-ins and laydown arrangements
    • Assessment and method selection covering the onshore dismantling and recycling based on specific offshore removal campaign
    • Waste Including, Hazardous and NORM management, in line with hierarchy and circular economy principles including auditable end-to-end tracking processes
    Australia wide, Ausdecom operate one of the largest specialist industrial decommissioning plant fleets backed by highly skilled in-house operators, engineers, and project management teams capable of executing the most complex of decommissioning projects. All Ausdecom projects are undertaken in strict compliance with our integrated ISO 45001, 14001, 9001 accredited business management system.
    With demonstrable experience covering Oil & Gas, Petrochemical, Defence, Marine, Power Distribution and Networks, Quarries, Smelting, and Heavy Industrial Manufacturing sectors, across live operating environments or closed, redundant sites nationally.